Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pirates and Models and Idols, Oh My!

First of all, yay Brittani! I was pretty much just happy it wasn't Alexandria. What am I talking about? America's Next Top Model cycle 16.


American Idol. Who I want to win. Who I think will win. Who I think will be the most successful. Who I really miss.

And lastly, Pirates numero quatro. I was really excited to see it today and it did not disappoint! If I were to give a hoity toity filmy analysis, I'd give it a 3/5. But I'm a Disney girl who needed some Jack Sparrow in my life. So I give it a billion out of 5. It had all of the elements from the first movie, just maybe not quite as well executed. I still recommend that everyone go see it! It was full of Captain Jack one-liners and was really entertaining. It's not getting stellar reviews, but I will defend it just like I'll defend Indy and his crystal skull. There WAS an unresolved plotline that left me a little unfulfilled. Hopefully that just means there's another movie! I read somewhere that there are two more lined up. And I will absolutely be there with my cursed gold necklace on! (And make sure you stay for the little clip after the credits!) Hey, remember when I was Captain Jack Sparrow? Yeah that was *ahem* 6 years ago. I'll be 23 soon. Blerg.


Taylor Brady said...

YAY Brittani!!!! I can't wait to see Pirates!!

Elizabeth said...

Sigh- Hailey was robbed :-( It's showdown at the American Country Teen Idol corral now- ick.

Lisa said...

Nana wants to see Pirates, so maybe it'll be a yo-ho-ho and a bottle of caffeine-free diet Pepsi night out for the wenches! Life is so less frustrating when I don't care who wins in anything on TV. I like the music on Idol and laugh at the shenanigans. I'm in my happy little reality land with my little dude, my big dude, and one out of three girls/women. Wishin' it was all three, but I'll take the tag-team. Going to a Fiesta at church tonight. Ole! Oh...I caught up on your blogs...check them out. Hugs to my Kelsey :)