So today we registered for health care and we both got Meningitis C shots. I think I might have already had the shot, but I wasn't sure. Did it matter? NO. It was FREE. Why is this not something we do in America? I don't want to start a political discussion, but it's pretty freaking sweet here. Except my arm's a little sore from the pokey needle. The guy who gave us all the information we needed, we'll call him Portly Eric Idle, was really funny. It was my first taste of dry English humer ("Where were you living before here?" "Utah" "Oh, awful place. So dusty.")
I made chili! It tastes a little different, I'm going to try different beans next time, but it totally tasted like home :)
Oh and by the way I'm not going to ramble on about how England's so much better or how America's so much better blah blah blah. I hope it never somes off like that... cause that would get annoying. I just want you guys to get the idea of how it is to live here.
On that note: English fashion statement of the day... I saw a super tough guy today wearing man-pris. You know, man capris. It made me laugh. We also got our daily dose of leggings. I can't tell whether they're ahead of the times or behind.... weren't leggings starting to be a thing when I was ending high school? I remember at BYU my freshman year they put up signs specifically forbidding leggings with short skirts. So maybe the Brits took an old trend and made it more edgy by removing the skirt. Anyways... There's this store called Uncle Sam's down the road. It advertises itself as an American vintage clothing store, but we'll have to check it out to see if it's legit.
Skyping has been fun!
I like your bloggy blog! It's fun to hear about your adventures! Oh, and the whole legging issue... I have no idea. I remember when I was a sophomore in high school and some girl wore them and I thought she started the trend down there in Georgia. But they are STILL around! It's the weirdest thing. I still wear my long ones and I don't feel outdated yet. Yet.
The chili sounds yummy. I made some last week - the last dish made in ye olde crockpot. We got a new one and I made vegetable soup. The reason we don't get free health care is because we can't afford it without taxing people so much that they take home 25 cents out of their 500 dollar paycheck. They have to wait a long time for some medical procedures, I hear. Anyhoo...As a mom, I'm glad you are getting health care and, yes, you got your meningitis shot taken care of before college. Now, about the dentist...? The fashions sound like fun people watching material. Keeps life interesting, I'm sure:)
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