Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boo to You!

Happy Halloween everyone! Keep Rikki in your thoughts, she's having a little pumpkin today! Yay for Halloween babies! His first words will be "trick or treat"!

My costume today was: a MORMON!! Cause I went to church. And I'm funny. And if Oscr can do it, I can too (if you haven't seen this week's office, do so. Eeeet's a good one).

We got phones yesterday! Finally! They're from O2 and they're cheapy pay-as-you-go, but they're cute and they're PHONES!!

I don't think any trick-or-treaters will come by. We don't have candy anyway. We could give them crumpets and Nutella I suppose. It's crazy around here though. I wouldn't take my kid out trick-or-treating around here. Friday night after work we went walking around with the Scotts. I didn't realize how many clubs there are around here! We just walked by club after club after bar after club filled with people drunk and in costume. It was entertaining for the most part, but not a place for kiddies and families.

I'm really enjoying work. It's more exhausting than I thought though. You're constantly on your feet clearing racks of clothes from the dressing rooms, picking up stuff from the floor, folding, working the fitting room, etc. I like all of the people I've worked with so far. They've been really helpful. And pne of them is Polish! Nathan talked to her on my lunch break yesterday and she was so impressed! There's a really big Polish population around here! Neither one of us expected that. Anyway, I've been learning a lot about who's popular around here. The show X Factor is really big and one of the judges, Cheryl, is really popular. I asked who she was and the reaction was like I had asked who Brad and Angelia was. It was funny though. There are a lot of magazines in the break room so they were explaining to me who was who and why I should know who they are. One of the managers, Steve, did his version of an American accent yesterday and it was SO funny. And another manager, Chris, is a dancer who's done Cats and back up dancing for pop groups and stuff! And one girl grew up in Florida. Lots of cool peeps at H&M!

Hahaha so apparently every year there's a "zombie walk" in Bristol. Steve grabbed me and took me to the front of the store to see the zombies walk by. There were hundreds of people dressed up and moaning and scaring people. It was freaky! Some people weren't into it, texting as they went along, but it was still an impressive sight. Some tried to terrorize the store, so Steve and I had to close the doors until they passed. Exciting! On my first official working day!

Now i'm just waiting for mommy and daddy to skype, and baby better be dressed as a pumpkin or there will be a very upset sister in England!


Lisa said...

uh oh, no pumpkin adam on sunday. we showed him to you on saturday when we celebrated halloween with trunk or treat. pics are online too. sounds like your first day of work was very interesting!! i'm glad your co-workers are nice and helping you get up to speed on local culture. that arm looks pretty nasty...ouch! make up class right? typing one handed with baby in the other.

Lisa said...

wait a minute...he was wearing a pumpkin hat right? hehe

Rik said...

Oh, thanks for the wishes! I just now saw this... boo. I miss you.