Monday, November 1, 2010


My new phone! O2! Yay!
So I went to see a nurse today to talk about my asthma. And she took my temperature. She looked at me and said, "Oh that's a bit high. 38!" And I told her I didn't know what that meant. I later found out it meant 100.4 to me. Huh. I feel fine. So I saw the doctor, she made me do the nebulizer thingy (where you breathe into a mask for a higher dose of meds). Then she said I had a lung infection, causing the fever and heightened asthma symptoms, and prescribed me antibiotics, steroids, and a new inhaler with a GIANT spacer. Haha it's like from a sci-fi movie.
WE got our new TV today!!! Yay! Except the plug adapter for the PS3 pooped out on us after a few hours. But what a beautiful few hours they were. It's a great little TV with a perfect picture (dare I say it... it rivals our other TV we left behind!). We're not sure why the adapter pooped out, but we've ordered a new one online (rushed, of course). It was kind of dissapointing, since we'd been waiting for the PS3, then waited for the TV, and it was all together finally!!.... Then sadness.

But Nathan's still in good spirits with his super shirt and super mug! What a cutie.
Oh and we saw the missionaries today at Sainsbury's! We were there to buy Halloween candy on sale when we ran into them at the tills. So we helped them carry their groceries back to their flats! It was funny, I fought them for otheir bags because I really wanted to carry them, but of course they refused at first. But I love missionaries! I love to help! :) They have nicknames for the two American couples. We're the AWESOMES! Yay!
Then I took a 3 hour nap. Woo!


Elizabeth said...

You and your adopted British jargon- "tills" "flats"- so cute :-) I'm glad you are feeling more settled.

Lisa said...

Tills and flats....registers and apartments....tomato, tomahto. hehe
So happy you received medical care and have medicine to control asthma symptoms. I wonder how you got the lung infection? Well, glad they found out the problem. care! You have beautiful and expensive teeth. Let's keep them forever!

Lisa said...

I'm mailing a care package!