Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mind Blown

Some of my peers are on their second baby. SECOND. Everyone else is pregnant/raising their first. (Not literally everyone... but like 98.7% of my married friends). My turn soon? Maybe. But for the moment, I'll just have a food baby made of chocolate and deviled eggs. Happy Easter! (BTW the eggs here are all brown, so no dying pretty colors... boo. I had to describe dying eggs and deviled eggs to my co-workers today. I felt so foreign.)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

All brown eggs? Really? Hmmm....well, you could've tried to dye them anyway. Who knows? hehe Don't worry about the baby thing. Everything happens in its time. There is just the right baby waiting for just the right time to come. If you hadn't waited, you wouldn't get THAT baby. You'll'll all turn out perfectly! Life is full of surprises (ADAM!)