Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break Woohoo!!

AND.... I have Ramen in my nose.

But seriously folks.

So Nathan and I have taken great pride in how normal our lives are becoming.  We are getting closer and closer to our white picket fence and 2.5 kids.  He's been accepted to 2, count 'em, TWO PhD programs, so that part of our future is getting clearer (and it sure don't hurt that they're in Orlando and Hawaii!).  We also are both working for the Washington County School District, he as a teacher's aid working with kids with behavioral problems and moi as a computer lab tech for 3-5 graders.  He goes to the gym after work and I walk home to get my exercise.  Then we reconvene and typically just have a nice quiet evening at home.  Cute huh?  Nathan has said several times recently that right now life is just good... things are falling into place.

Oh crap... did I just jinx it???

Whatevs, I'm happy and I would like to share it.

We've also helped out Nathan's bro and his wife with lots of house painting.  I'm getting my first nephew from them in 1 1/2 to 2 months, so we're doing some prep for the little guy.  I know it's not our home that we're painting, but I've enjoyed having a domestic project to do!  I like to pretend it's our home.  Is that weird...?  Anyway, it makes me feel all adult-y and stuff.

Oh, and about the Ramen...  I had Ramen for dinner and thought it'd be a good idea to have a glass of milk with it.  Bad idea.  Barf city.  So there's Ramen in my nose because of that.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh Kelsey! No more Ramen and milk for you! Sounds like you two are in a good place right now and enjoying some piece of mind. The best laid plans of mice and men though...2.5 doesn't always happen (especially not the .5 because that's just tricky)...but whatever happens (ahem Adam) just be thankful, surprised, awed, and blessed.