Monday, December 27, 2010

Aaaaaaand a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Merry Christmas! Here's some pictures from our Holiday :)
Gross morning face. We opened our stockings in bed, just like home!

Before the un-wrapping, still all nice and pretty

Nathan with his booty

Me and my booty

My cute little Adipose squicshy Doctor Who toy. I named him Puff Puff

The Christmas carnage

Little Hannah Camacho :) Our Christmas elf

Thomas beating up on Nathan haha

Joshua challenging Chris

Yuki and Hannah :)

Our Christmas feast!
Me and Thomas, I'm a good influence on him

The food was A-Maz-Ing

I was covered in stickers by the end of the meal (from our Christmas crackers, the thingies you pull and they pop and you get a treat inside and a crown).

Don't disturb him from eating his delicious meal

The boys fighting their tops against each other.

Love her <3

Chrimbo Bimbos (Chrimbo is a slang word for Christmas+Boxing Day, love!)

Boxing Day was fun too. Nathan and I gave our talks to a church attendance of about 30 people, then went to Isi's house for another lush meal! Isi is a super nice girl from Nigeria that's been studying in the UK. She met her fiancee, Nathaneal, here and now they're getting married (hence "fiancee"). Nathaneal's been taking us to church for the past couple of weeks, nice guy. He and Isi prepared the meal. It was a cool combination of Nigerian and British food. Nigerian food is SPICY! But perfect, I LOVED it. We learned a lot of cool stuff about her culture, like the marriage ceremony and stuff that's to come. This other Nigerian guy that joined us for dinner was surprised to hear that Nathan didn't have to pay anyone to marry me. I like the tradition and ceremony that goes along with it. Anyway, it's sad because she has to go back to Africa soon to get some legal stuff sorted out before they can get married. :( I'll miss her a lot! I wished I'd gotten to know her sooner. But at least Nathaneal will still be here. He and Nathan both read comics, so it's a match made in heaven.

Hope you had a proper Chrimbo!


Kevin said...

I love your new blog background! This is Rikki, by the way.

Lisa said...

The video was cute! It looked like you had a proper Christmas and Chrimbo from all the "carnage." You still have another gift to enjoy in April (Michael Ball, anyone?) We need to box up a few things here. I'm having fun with Elizabeth's new Wii. I'm pretty good at bowling and boxing (knocked that guy out in Round 3!) I like Lego Star Wars, too :) Longwood Gardens was beautiful with lots of lights and decorations for Christmas and fountains that played music like at the Bellagio (little version). Adam loved the people and lights. He's a big boy who can sit in his stroller without an infant seat. He likes the novelty of seeing and things from the forward position. He can almost sit up on his own on the floor without support. He just leans and topples occasionally. He has also started to reach for who he wants to hold him. Showing preferences now! Hope to see you soon on Skype...changes happening at lightspeed. Love and hugs, Mommy