Wednesday, January 12, 2011


For some reason (let's blame it on it being Winter) I've been feeling a little blue. I can't even put into words what's bothering me because it's all selfish and doesn't make much sense. What I've been trying to do is count my blessings and think happy thoughts to get me through this WInter slump. Blessing numero uno: I'm happily married to a cute boy that I love and want to have babies with and read comic books and watch movies with forever and ever. Blessing number B: I have a family that I miss terribly, but technology allows me to talk with them pretty much whenever I want. Number 3: I'm living in ENGLAND with my cute boy and we have fun new experiences every day. Part of these experiences include taking advantage of the theater in the area (THANK YOU MOMMY DADDY NANA AND POPI FOR MY CHRISTMAS AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!!!! I CAN"T THANK YOU ENOUGH)

Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee!

Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeee!

Continuing with blessings: I was able to get a job at a super cool H&M with super cool people! Blessing number a million: I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and takes care of me! Blessing number a million part two: Going to church has helped Nathan and I make great friends that we'll keep forever! Blessing number 18273645: Even though I've been feeling sad that I've lost touch with a lot of my friends from Maryland, BYU, Florida, etc, I have my true blue bosom buddies and fambly for support and lovey dovies. Oh and a hubby too :)

Hopefully this isn't seen as me being a braggy pants. More so, I hope it gets you to think about all the cool stuff that you've got in your life to be thankful for. We shall overcome the Winter blues! Power to the people! Oh and go look on the H&M website and browse their Spring collection! it'll make you feel bright and springy. Maybe you'll absorb some Vitamin D in the process!


Nicole said...

Kelsey! I love reading your blog! You are so cool...

Lisa said...

One of my greatest blessings is having you for a daughter:) Sometimes I feel very sad because you are so far away, but I'm glad we have Skype to stay in touch. Look for a Valentine's box. Something to shake out those Winter Blues! Love you a million XO Mama