Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vampire Weekend

It's been a gloomy day. I call it a Vampire day. You know that time of the day when you want to go out or go for a walk, but you look outside and you think, "Nah, it's getting dark soon"? It was like that all day today. No rain, just really overcast. I'm glad we had church today, or else it would have ended up being one of those stay-in-bed-all-day days. Tell me if you're like this too: when your alarm wakes you up for church/work/school, do you ever envision your future self that's already back in bed? Every cold morning I picture my future self home from work/church and cuddled up back under my covers. My favorite part of the day is when I actually DO end up back in my covers and the future becomes the present and no one has to make me get out of bed anymore. Ahhh. Simple joys.
Days like today make me REALLY EXCITED TO GO TO ITALY!
So I love making checklists!

Name this movie :) Anyway, I love writing down everything I need to do before we go somewhere. Since we're leaving on Wednesday for Italia, I've listed what I need to do from now to when we leave our house in three days. I think I get this kind of planning instinct from Dad (who asked me about my itinerary yesterday ^-^). So I'm doing a bunch of laundry now in preparation for our trip. I love doing laundry here because we don't have a dryer, so we hang our stuff on a drying rack and it makes the house smell fresh and clean! Our new Fabric Conditioner smells like strawberries.

I actually hung my underwear all over our bedroom to make it smell pretty.
Time to make dinner! I discovered a new recipe that Nathan and I really like! I came across it on accident when all we had in the fridge was broccoli and sausage (other that lunchmeat and hotdogs). I found a pasta recipe that included broccoli and sausage on and it was delicious! I added milk to make the sauce creamier, but otherwise I stuck to the recipe. Oh and our sausage was pork and we didn't have red peppers, but I don't like them anyway...
Try it! Oh and add parmesan, I think it makes the dish!
Sorry the post had nothing to do with the band Vampire Weekend. Sorry for the deceptive title. Here's a video.


Elizabeth said...

Meet the Robinsons!!! Yay!

Taylor Brady said...
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Taylor Brady said...

DANG IT ALL!! Elizabeth answered first. I was all excited that I knew what it was. But let me just say I was way excited when I saw this post was called Vampire Weekend!

Lisa said...

Yes! I especially did the imagining I was back in bed when I got up early in the morning for work. I love those little pleasures, too :) I'm very excited for you and all the amazing things you and Nathan are going to experience in Italy. Rome looks so beautiful in pictures. Remember to talk to the locals and find out neat little factoids and maybe less touristy places to see that the locals know about. That can be fun. Daddy is thrilled that you are planning well: must be in the genes. My planning is in the jeans- by the seat of my pants. hehe
You are also adding humidity to your inside air by drying your clothes that way. I like the positive outlook with no dryer. Have fun with all the days when it's an option to stay in bed for as long as you want. I remember that...:) Love you bunches, Mommy