Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Custard in the Sky

So I forgot I took these pictures from the plane when we flew out of Rome. The sky looked super cool (as you can see). We flew over Elba too! But of course, my camera pooped out before I could get the picture.

We made our first custard today! So. Good. I want it every day now, but my belly is saying no. I try to tell myself I'm not lactose intolerant. My tummy says otherwise. So anyway, we ate it with kiwi because they were buy one bunch get one bunch free at Sainsbury's. Buy one kiwi, get one free-wee! Heh.


Shannen Crane Camp said...

I've told my tummy many times I'm not lactose intolerant.... it doesn't want to listen either. Let's band together on this! Tell them who's boss!

Taylor Brady said...
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Lisa said...

Don't know how I passed the lactose intolerance on to you and Taylor. I was allergic to milk when I was a baby, but I outgrew it. Sorry! At least there are some products to help you enjoy some dairy. Loved the picture of you making custard. It's so cute. Free Kiwi on your swee-tie is cute, too.