Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Adam got the cute hat I sent! :) Some English baby terms: diapers are nappies and pacifiers are dummies.

It's still pretty boring for me around here. My manager asked me if I'd be interested in working more hours a week starting in April (which I answered with a big old YES) since there are a few full-timers leaving then to go travelling. Apparently British kids do that a lot; they work and save up money then travel around Europe or Asia. Pretty sweet. Anyway, so until then I sit around the house all day. It's not that I'm lazy, there's just NOTHING TO DO. Like today I did laundry, washed the dishes, tidied up here and there, re-decorated the living room, and still spent 80% of the day on my butt. It's too gloomy outside to go for a walk, so if I leave the apartment it's usually to spend some sort of money. Which we don't like to do. I kind of wish I'd held out for a better job like Yuki's (front desk at the Mariott). Oh well, discounts on H&M clothes is good, right? (Except for the fact that I never buy clothes).

This is turning out to be one of those "sad blogs" as Nathan calls them. I'm not sad. I'm just bored. So here are some of the bazillion videos I found on stumbleupon.com.

This one is neato:

These will make you laugh:

This one will make you lol, but has some language. Just a warning for sensitive ears.

This will make you cry:

And this is where I live:

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love, love, love the picture you took when we were Skyping. Adam looks so cute in that hat! Thank you sister :) Your day sounds a lot like my day, except I do those things and take care of baby boy. Taylor keeps us company, too. Lots of nappy changes, but he doesn't suck on a dummy. hehe I'll watch all the videos when I have a little more time. Thanks!