Friday, February 3, 2012

Dream a Little Dream With Me

I've been having really vivid dreams lately... which is weird because the last time I had this many long, memorable dreams I was on pain meds.  I can assure you that I am not currently on any kind of medication, so that's why this is odd.

We begin with a love story from a few nights ago.  Once upon a time there was a man who had a skin disease and needed a skin transplant for his entire body.  This took place in the future where there was a brand new procedure that could replace a person's skin with a man-made substance that still had reacting nerves acted like real skin (like what the Borg give Data in The Star Trek movie "First Contact").  The problem is that the "skin" is clear for the first few years while it's adapting to the body.  The hero of our story is the first to ever try this transplant, so he's under the watchful eye of several doctors that are there to help him recover from this transplant.  Enter the physical therapist.  She helps him adapt to his new skin by teaching him to roller skate.  He falls in love with her, but is too shy to say anything because he sees himself as a monster (remember, his skin is still see-through).  She sees past this, falls in love with his personality, yadda yadda yadda, they get married and then when his skin is opaque again he's super handsome and they live happily ever after.  Oh, and they also hung out with David and Victoria Beckham at one point.

Kooky huh?

Next, we have the tale of Ellie.  Nathan and I have a baby: a little girl with flaming red hair.  Several mambers of both sides of the family are there to greet her.  Everyone starts telling us what to name her, but we hate everyone's ideas ( I wish I could remember some of the ideas... I just remember them being ridiculous).  Nathan and I finally discuss it alone and think she should have the only logical name for a red-head: Ariel!  We end up naming her Ariel Lee, then start calling her Ellie (Ariel+Lee-Ari= El Lee).  Then we take her to the mall and she's three already and does a cute little dance while we walk hand-in-hand.  She looks kind of like the Princess from the new Pixar movie "Brave".

Nathan thinks the name is inspired and we HAVE to name our first girl Ellie.  I agree, so...... dibs.

Last, we have a Disney Dream.  And Disney dreams are supposed to come true.... right?  If so, that'd be super random.

So we (Nathan, and the Brady family) are enjoying a day at Walt Disney World when we bump into, who else, but Ellen Degeneres!  Lucky for us, my sister Elizabeth used to work for her!  (Not really, but in Dreamland she did).  Elizabeth goes up to Ellen and says, "Hey boss!  Care to join us for lunch?"  Ellen then says that she has a table at The Brown Derby already, and that we should come and join her!  On our way to the restaurant we see Princess Tiana singing a song nearby, so Nathan and I stop to watch.  We fall behind from the group, and in attempts to catch up, encounter Buzz Lightyear on horseback.  We spook the horse and Buzz falls off!  I tell Nathan to go get help while I help "Buzz" out of his jet pack.  It turns out not to be Buzz at all, but someone I used to work with at Disney World (not even a friend of mine, just a random dude I worked with once, maybe twice... I can't even remember his name...).  He's in a lot of pain, so I tell him to go on ahead to the doctor and I'll take care of his Buzz suit.  I start to take the costume back where only employees can go, but then I remember that I'm not an employee anymore!  I gather my confidence and go behind the scenes anyway.  I walk down a long paved road and pass several of my old friends from the Disney days.  One of them doesn't recognize me, which makes me sad, but everyone else is surprised to see me and gives me a warm reception.  I drop off the suit, the whole time pretending it's mine and that I actually still work there, and make my way back to the restaurant.... only to find out that I'd missed our special lunch.  No good deed goes unpunished I suppose.

That concludes the telling of the most recent and most vivid of the dreams I've been having.  I wonder what Joseph and his technicolor coat would say....?


Elizabeth said...

Ellie and Ellery- cousins! So are you thinking Ariel Lee and calling her Ellie just like your dream, or just Ellie? These are some weird dreams, but cute too :-) I wish I worked for Ellen! Working for TV would be awesome.

Kelsey said...

I'm not sure if we'll use any of the names... but you know how RIGHT after you've had a dream it all seems so real and a good idea at the time. Who knows, I could get sick of the name by the time we actually have a baby girl.

Lisa said...

So you keep having dreams of having a super mother powers tell me that you are anxious to start a family. I know this is a wild stretch of the imagination, but think outside the box. (I should charge for this) If you have a redheaded baby, your Dada would be so proud! I think you should submit your idea to a producer (the one about the transparent skin guy). That's an amazing screenplay idea! Maybe I'll steal it and write a book...hmmmm. Now who would play my lead in the supersmash movie version....