Thursday, March 10, 2011

Doctor Who Day Trip

Yesterday Nathan and I had a fun day trip to Wales! It was really needed for me because I've been feeling really trapped in our flat. I have no reason to go out and the weather's not good enought o just walk around. Anyway, we took an hour train ride to Cardiff, Wales (or Caerdydd, Cymru in Welsh:) ) where they shoot a lot of Doctor Who and Torchwood (a Doctor Who off-shoot). They had a "Doctor WHo Experience" with some props and costumes from the show. These are some of the things I was most excited to see. All the pictures from the trip are here.

Martha's signature red jacket, displayed two below on the right.
He's fighting in his pajamas, diplayed in the middle below.

For dinner we had burgers and curly fries (so good!) at this cute 50's style diner because we were told they filmed an episode of Torchwood there for this upcoming season. Yay!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Saw all your pics on Facebook. I know you and Nathan had the best time! Even though I don't follow Dr. Who, I know how I would feel if I saw memorabilia from a show I really like. That's why it's fun to go to Planet Hollywood. Now that the weather is getting nicer, maybe you could go on more adventures outside.