Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Miss...

Although it may SEEM to be one of those blogs where I moan about stuff, it's not. Well, it is... but not really. (P.S. they say "moan" a lot here instead of "complain". I tried to use it now like I use it all the time, but I really don't.) Consider this more: What I look forward to when we come back to the states.

MY SEWING MACHINE! I've made a lot of paper crafts due to the lack of sewing machine, which has been a fun experience. But. Want. Machine.

Hulu doesn't work here. Boo. And along the same lines:

No Netflix either.

Dryers are a rare animal here. Seriously, no one I know has one! I thought that was so weird! I miss the days when I could do all my laundry in a day, but now I can only do one load at a time because I run out of drying-rack space. And if the clothes don't dry fast enough, they get that funny smell to them. Bleh. So 80% of the time I have drying stuff strewn around draped over doors and chairs.

I miss having a temple so close. Even though we didn't go as much as we should have, it was nice to have it right next door. Now we can never go on ward temple trips since I always work on Saturdays and we don't have a car... so yeah it's nearly impossible to go.

This represents Thundercloud, our beloved car. He will unfortunately not be waiting for us when we get back, but hopefully we'll find another worthy four wheeled friend to take us where we need to go WHENEVER WE WANT.

I had a major craving the other day and asked a co-worker if they had Taco Bell here, and he laughed at me.

Today was a lovely day with some nice sunshine, but living in a city makes it hard to get direct sunlight and living in England makes it hard to get ANY sunlight.

Another craving that won't get atisfied for a while, although I looked online and they DO exist here. Just not close-by.

We are lacking in kitchen gadgets, and I missed our blender in particular today while making salsa. I used to love the salsa I made before, but today I guess I couldn't chop it enough to my liking. It got a B-.

Thank you Mommy for sending some in a care package. Of course, they're long gone. Time for more!! :)

Best burger and fries... nothing here comes close.

I really miss our big shopping trips where we didn't have to pick up stuff for a month.

Corn bread doesn't exist. Sigh.

To be fair to my current home, I will make a list of things I'll miss when we leave next time. I'm going to bed now to dream sweet dreams of soft shell tacos... yo qiero...


Taylor Brady said...

So I guess I know what I have to pack. The pizza might be a little messy but the taco I might be able to manage. :)

Kelsey said...

i know, make a hat Gaga-style out of the pizza box

Lisa said...

Maybe Taylor could bring some corn bread on her carry on. People will be smelling her luggage and getting hungry. Glad the goldfish make you happy :) Have you asked anyone at church if they have an old sewing machine you could borrow? I remember when our dryer was outside in the shed and we had to brave freezing weather or rain to dry our clothes. If it was raining and the clothes were dry, we'd have to wait to bring them in. Oh those were the days...Going back further, we didn't have a washer or dryer in our shack in Antigua. There was a laundry mat on base. Had to go to base with dirty clothes. Sometimes a couple on base would let us use their machines. Had to leave my beloved VW bug there, too...sad. Good times overall, though. You'll have lots of wonderful memories. Oh, and just buy some ground beef and make your own burgers-American style. Yummy!