Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sew Sew

LOOK! Look at all the Vintage Vogue patterns for $3.88! If I was home with my sewing machine I'd totally buy a few. We were watching "North By Northwest" today and I fell in LOVE with this dress.
And here's a pattern that looks just like it!!
I also heart these.

P.S. Taylor's on her way!!


Mr. & Mrs. said...

I bought a Vintage Vogue pattern once.. now keep in mind I've never sewn in my life... not a good choice for your first try! I sewed the arm hole to the neck hole.... oops!

Lisa said...

Love the beautiful designs. Very classic and pretty. I know you'll really enjoy finally getting in front of a sewing machine. You are so talented, I'm sure you could make all of these (not a talent you learned from me...yikes, I can't sew at all). So happy Taylor made it there safely and you all are having a great time.